The Broken: Horror House

The Broken: Horror House

May went for a walk one summer in the forest. she saw a lonely four storage house and wanted to investigate. but trip on a rock near a river bed and fell straight into an angry river. she scream mommy daddy but they were to far away and she drown right in front of the house. but little may story is far from over. Ten years later two new girls came to the town May was born at one of them Kate lived in May's childhood house as for Maliyah who lived in the house where May's body was found dead both girls begin to see and hear strange things but its not May running the show no someone or something else.

published on July 06, 201620 reads 5 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 4.

bloody hands

Maliyah POV

We got home around sunset after going to Cream we went to a movie and watch Annabel. I jump multi of times through out dad was laughing at the way I jump in fear. After the movie we went to get pizza. I didn't see Kate since this morning.

So, I thought they went hone and finished unpacking. After we ate it was around 9:00 so dad and I decide to go home and get ready for bed. Obviously because I had school at my new school and dad had work so we went home.

We arrive home and my dad said he was going to take a shower first. I nodded and waited for him to get out.

The room was awkwardly silent and a feeling of someone watching me tingle my emotion of fear. I look at where I felt someone watching me. Which was behind me in the kitchen,but when I look there was no one there. It was empty,so I thought of it as my imagination.

I shove the feeling off and turn on the TV on a fishing show and begin watching it as I waited for dad to come out.

Everything was quiet for a minute I didn't expect to hear nothing strange the feeling of being watch still hung in the air but i simply ignore it and label as my imagination.

I heard footsteps upstairs, I looked towards the stairs didn't see anyone so I walked around the couch and yelled out dad,when he didn't answer I grew concerned.

Maybe he just can't hear me I  thought to myself and ignore the footsteps and continued watching the fishing show.

It was silent for a while until the footsteps begin again only this time they seem like they were running instead of walking.

Dad I yelled turning around to  look at the stairs again but i didn't see him. So, wanting to know  whats making that noise i went upstairs.

I found myself in a long hallway with a  two  doors on one side and only one on the other. On the left side was rooms on the right was the bathroom, the stomping begin again and it sound like it was coming right towards me.

Out of nowhere a lady in blood came towards me with a knife.

I scream AAH!! and close my eyes hoping it get away.

When I open it up she was right in  front of me her blood dripped on my face I screamed once more and stumbled backwards to the wall near the stair almost falling.

I close my eyes before finally reopening and she was gone.

At that moment the bathroom door crack open and my dad came out of the bathroom and saw me panic, he rushed towards me worried filled his face.

Maliyah, what's wrong sweetie he said placing his hand on my face.

I stood silent for a moment trying to catch my breath..until finally said, ther..there someone this don't i swallow quickly down a spit before finishing my sentence, and it don't want us in here.

Oh honey he said hugging me there no one in this house, it just your imagination,he said hugging me tightly and kissing me on the forehead just like my mother did before she died.

But it felt so real, i said tears of fear and panic busted out of my eye,

he was silent for a moment,than finally spoke, don't worry about it Maliyah whatever it is its gone now,he said kissing me one last time on the forehead, now go take you a shower and get ready for bed i tuck you in afterwards and he left me alone.

I sigh and got up trying to forget the experience I had with the bloody woman,but how can you forget something that horrible and scary. I didn't like the fact that i was living with a ghost, monster, whatever she might be called but despite my fears I went anyway to get a shower.  I got undress and ran the shower head and got in. the warmth of the water warm my cold shivering skin my body relax helping me to forget that ugly sight. I delightfully wash my hair slowly enjoying the hot water it felt like i was in heaven until it turn to a total nightmare. I didn't know what was going on when my eyes was shut but when i open it blood fill the shower and instead of water coming out of the head it was a dark red liquid known as blood..i yelled and hurry to turn it off i watch the blood drain but now instead of blood it was water. I didn't understand what was going on but i wasn't going to sit there and find out. I headed towards the glass smoky mesh shower door. the room was silent the only sound was the dripping foisted of the sink, i didn't expected something strange to happen again,but i been wrong before.
I went to open the door but quickly jump and scream when i saw to bloody hands and a dark face of the girl come out of nowhere scaring the crap out of me. Her hands was bloody but one held a red coated knife, I scream AAH!! and looked away but i didn't think it help,but i didn't want to see her. When look back she was gone but I wasn't ready to leave this spot panic and fear attach to me as i stay there sitting in the shower scared for my life. I thought for a moment trying to calm my nerves, and decide that i didn't want to take my chances. I dry off  and got dress not even noticing the words on the mirror written in blood. When I look up so i can look at myself a message show on the mirror in blood yelling GET OUT OR BE KILLED, GET OUT OR BE KILLED!!! it was everywhere in the bathroom instead screaming i ran out of there as the blood slowly spilled on the sink,the floor, and the wall.

DAD,DAD!! i yelled running into him downstairs, i bump into him and felled, man was he built.
he turn to me and help me up after laughing a little,but quickly turn serious when he saw my fearful face. What is it Malayah? he asked with worry eyes now.
I grab his hand and try gesture him upstairs, dad you have to see this, she threat me,i said as i try dragging him upstairs
Malayah who's threaten you, he asked as we get to the top of the stairs?
the woman with the knife that attack me earlier i said walking to the bathroom,i hesitated to open it but finally did when my dad was beside me feeling a bit confidence with him around strange i guess.  I open the door and said look pointing to the empty bathroom, see look i said, he look in the bathroom seeing nothing Maliyah there nothing here, he said worry feel his face.

What, i said looking for myself and he was right there was nothing here the blood disappear like it was never there,but i could have sworn it was there,i said looking up from the mirror.
Maliyah, are you feeling okay, he asked softly his eyes feel  with worry for me.
I was silent, than i said silently i don't know, daddy i don't know I looked up at him than look away. he just stood there for a second than sigh and hugged me and said after kissing me on my forehead.. come on, pumpkin lets try to get some rest its your first day of school tomorrow he finished and walked towards his room which was at the end of the hall the same hall as mine. I look at him surprise as he left me in front of the bathroom door before following him to my room.

I immediately fell asleep with no problem, i guess i yelled enough for one day, but I couldn't shake the feeling that i was being watch.
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Comments (2)

in chapter 3 it said she left the hospital on november 18th and thats my birthday. lol
on July 07, 2016
on July 07, 2016