Thrown in Purposefully

Thrown in Purposefully

Get ready to find out what happens when a 16 year old girl is forced to change her life.Read to find out how & why.

published on March 23, 201368 reads 17 readers 2 completed
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Chapter 9.

Finding out

I pull my wand out of my pocket.I want to fulfill Harry's last wish.I raise the wand and point it nervously at Voldemort.But as i'm about to shout the spell,Harry jumped out of Hagrids arms.I gasp and jump back.Just then,a searing pain comes through my chest."Ow.."I cry out.Dad runs over and helps me lay on the table.As Draco runs over,I black out.

Draco's POV
I watch Harry fight Voldemort but when I notice Jamie is in pain I run over.She blacks out before I reach her but I sit next to her.Molly rushes over to help her.I sit perched on the edge of the table holding her hand as she breaths in and out heavily."What's wrong with her!?"Remus Lupin asked coming over to stand next to Sirius."She' labor."Molly answered.Sirius frowned and turned on me growling."Why did you...?"He asks me angrily."We only did it her fifth year!"I exclaim.Sirius kept his glare fixed on me but he didn't answer."The's coming!"Molly announced.I was seriously fretting.Would I be this babies father?Would I be a good father?Would it love me?All these thoughts coursed through my mind as I listened to the others cheer at the death of Voldemort and the baby started to appear.Harry rushed over."Jamies in labor!"I exclaim to Harry as he runs toward us.When the baby is out Jamie opens her eyes and smiles.She lets out a small laugh.Molly had to cut that cord thingy that connect the baby to the mother.I hugged Jamie and she smiled happily at me."It's a boy."Molly told us as she handed him to Jamie.Harry shook his head smiling.

Jamies POV
The baby was born and he was so handsome.I knew I was pregnant.But nobody else had.I can't believe my baby has finally been born.And on the very day Harry defeated Voldemort."I want to call him Rylan.Rylan Draco."I tell Draco."Nice name."Draco tells the baby.I laugh.As I go to lay down,Draco stops me."Since we have a baby...will you marry me?"Draco asks.I start to cry.This is WAY more than I could've hoped for."Yes!Yes,Draco yes!"I cry and he smiles and hugs me and Rylan.
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Comments (2)

on April 24, 2014
Severus bloody Snape! That cracked me up! Great story
on August 24, 2013