Thrown in Purposefully

Thrown in Purposefully

Get ready to find out what happens when a 16 year old girl is forced to change her life.Read to find out how & why.

published on March 23, 201368 reads 17 readers 2 completed
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Chapter 8.

Bringing us Forward

I was breathing pretty deeply.I was trapped.There was a brick wall behind me and three Death Eaters blocking me I had my wand held out in front of me.The events of this week swirled through my mind like mist."CRUCIO!"Pain seared through me.Everytime I felt it was over and went to stand the curse would be cast again.I curled into a ball and took the pain.Finally,it stopped.I stayed in ball formation too scared to get up.I felt a hand rest on my back and I flinched."'s just me."The voice of my father filled my ears.He helped me up and held me.I leant into his touch feeling contented.My father helped me into the Great Hall where I lay on a table.Luna came up and sat down on the bench."Hello Jamie."She said looking at me."Hello Luna.When this is all over i'll be glad to go back to Nargle catching."I tell her.Luna nodded dreamily and lay her head on the table.I reached over and wrapped my arm around her.She was so...something.That made you want to protect her and be nice to her.Draco bustled into the room shoving Neville,Ron,George and Alex.I sat up withdrawing my arm from around Luna."Draco!"I cried as I stood.Draco spotted me and ran over.When he reached me,I was greeted by a hug."Harry...he has to defeat the Dark Lord."I breath out."Has he destroyed the...horcruxes?"Draco asks me.I nod."Did it last summer."I explain.Draco nods."Even...Nagini and himself?"Draco asks patiently."Nagini?Yes.Himself?No.He doesn't know he's a...horcrux.Me & dad couldn't tell him THAT and I suspect Dumbledore never told him."I tell Draco.Harry walks in just then.He sees me and runs over."Jamie!I'm sorry...I was under Voldemorts power..."Harry trails off.I shrug it off."No sweat,Harry!"I laugh.Draco gestures for me to tell Harry."Harry...there's something that me,dad,Dumbledore,Draco,Ron & Hermione have been keeping from you.Sit down."I say.He sits down.So do I."Harry...the night mum died Voldemort tried to kill you.But you know that the spell rebounded instead and hit Voldemort himself.Well,when he was hit a piece of his soul latched on to the only living thing in the room.You.A piece of Voldemort lives inside you.That's why in your 2nd year you could hear the Basilisk and in 5th year you thought dad was captured by Death Eaters.You're the Horcrux Voldemort never intended to make.You're the seventh Horcux."I explain.Harry freezes."So I...must die."Harry whispers.I nod sadly."Do me a favor and...kill Voldemort for me."Harry says,standing.I watch him walk out Mum & James showing in every inch of him.I never knew James but i'd heard stories.Wonderful stories about that silly Gryffindor student.Not at all like the ones i've heard about the grown man James.Suddenly,the doors burst open.I look around for Harry but he left already.In the doorway stands's way too..old to be Harry.Plus,he has hazel eyes not green.This isn't Harry Potter this is..."JAMES POTTER!"Dad cried he ran forward to his old friend.So this is my...I guess I can call him step-dad,would that be right?He is just like dad told me he was."Where's Harry?Where's my son?"James asks frantically.I stood and walked forward."He went be destroyed.He's the last horcrux...Mr.Potter."I explain.James turns to me then to dad."Is this Jamie Lily Black?"James asks dad.Dad nods his approval.I smile a little.Then,Voldemort bursts through."HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!"Voldemort cried.
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Comments (2)

on April 24, 2014
Severus bloody Snape! That cracked me up! Great story
on August 24, 2013