Thrown in Purposefully

Thrown in Purposefully

Get ready to find out what happens when a 16 year old girl is forced to change her life.Read to find out how & why.

published on March 23, 201368 reads 17 readers 2 completed
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Chapter 5.

Harry kicks Ass

Harry ran over to me eyeing Bellatrix as he went.He hugged me tightly.It felt so good to be in his arms.My brothers arms.I remember when we were kids he used to do this all the time."Jamie.."He whispered."Harry."I whispered back.We hugged for a while befiore I finally broke apart.Draco was watching us probably wishing he was Harry."Jamie.Don't stay on this side.Join ours."Harry pleaded.But the Dark Mark on my arm burned.I knew Harry wouldn't take me back if he knew it was there.I shook my head."Harry,I can't.."I told him.He looked at me strangely."Why?"He asked.I slowly moved my hand to the arm with the Dark Mark and rolled the sleeve up.I heard gasps from some people sitting down.Harry stared at it."W-why did you do this? betrayed us?"Harry stuttered.I shook my head."No Harry!I'm sorry!I...I lost sight of not just you but dad and everyone else I love in this room!I was selfish to put Drac-Malfoy before you Harry!"I cried.Harry turned his head and walked back to his seat.I stomped and breathed in.This wasn't supposed to be happening!I looked around hoping against hope that someone,anyone will tell me I can come onto there side Dark Mark and all.I mean come on!They let Severus bloody Snape on even after he had a Dark Mark!No one stood.But Hermione and Ginny stared at me guiltily.I glanced at Luna.She was smiling and looking around instead of noticing what was going on here.Finally,I gave up."F-fine!I can settle this problem by myself!I'm not giving myself a team.Not Harrys nor the Dark Lords.Fight all you want,it's not gonna help anyway!So why don't you just kill innocent people for the heck of it!"I yelled and stormed out.Everyone watched me go.But I had inherited the arrogance from the Blacks and the temper from my mother.I knew a fight would break out.No,a war.A war that will lose many people I love.As long as i'm not on either side I can still watch the battle.Maybe help a little if I think someone needs it.I sat on the marble steps and lay my head down.Then I hear footsteps.I look up."Malfoy!What're you doing here."I spit.I can see him wince when I call him Malfoy."Jamie...i'm sorry!Sorry I thought you were playing games and whatnot."He apologised but didn't look me directly in the eyes.I had never fought with him this much where it resorted to me calling him Malfoy instead of Draco.But I guess we reached that point today.I stood and hugged him.He seemed to be relieved.Harry walked out just then."Hello Harry."I say trying hard to avoid him.I remember way back in time when I was 7 and we went to a muggle school.I gave that up for this?That was a horrible trade!Harry ignores me.I groan.Figures.He hates me again."Draco...i'm going to muggle school next year."I grumble.Then,my eyes light up.Muggle school!That's where I can find some answers.I rush hurriedly down the corridors and grab my broom.It's not a good broom like Harrys but it's okay for Quidditch.I'm a Gryffindor Chaser.I climb onto it and take flight.When I finally reach the school,the lights are out.Oh yeah!It's 6:30 p.m did I really expect the school to be open?Tomorrow,I thought and climbed steadily up a tree to sleep.No Draco.No Harry.Just me.I smile and fall into sleep

"HEY!You!"I wake up and look down.My heart does a somersault my old muggle friend is down there.Probably wondering who I am and why i'm sleeping in a tree.I climb down my broom at my side."Hey Meghan."I say trying to get her to remember me."Do I know you?"She asks me.I nod."Jamie.Jamie Black?"I say gesturing to myself.A dawn of understanding glistens on her face."Where have you been all these years?"She asks."*cough*Hogwarts*cough*"I say.She stares at me."Hogwarts is fiction Jamie.Now,why are you here?"She asks."Truthfully?To see if there's anyway of getting rid of this."I say rolling up my sleeve.Meghan stares at it.I can tell she doesn't know that it's not just some random tattoo."It's the Dark Mark."I explain.She looks at me."You got a tattoo of the Dark Mark?"She asks me blankly.I facepalm."I'm going to find Julia.At least she's quicker than you."I say moving away."JAMIE!"I turn and see Draco.Why is he here?"Draco?Why are you here?"I ask."Harry...he-he started it.He stupefied Bellatrix.He caused a war."Draco explained.I shake my head."That idiot didn't know how to tie his shoes at age 10 how did HE of all people start a war?This is weirder than when I found that the kid from the Hunger Games was named Peeta not pita!"I exclaim.He stares at me but I climb onto my broom."Meet you there."I say.I look back at Meghan.She's still not comprehending.Go Figures!
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Comments (2)

on April 24, 2014
Severus bloody Snape! That cracked me up! Great story
on August 24, 2013