Two heartbreaks

Two heartbreaks

Two girls Ginny and lexa fall for the same boy. Both try to win the boy over. Soon the boy goes missing and when he’s found dead the girls spend a lot of time together and may even end up falling for each other.

published on May 06, 201840 reads 11 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 7.


It was Sunday and I was the happiest I had ever been I even drew a picture of Lewis and I answer came up with a ship. But of course my happiness was destroyed by something, in this case a knock on the door.

My mom went to answer the door and two people entered.

“Mary. Paul”, my mom said shocked.

Oh my god they were Lewis’s parents, our new neighbors. Lewis’s mother eyes were red and it appeared she had been crying. Lewis’s father looked really depressed. I felt a weight in my stomach.

I stood in a corner feeling invisible watching what was happening like it was a movie. The truth was unbearable Lewis was missing.

“Do you know where he might be”, Lewis’s mother asked me choking back tears.

I shook my head. I had know idea.

“I’ll tell you if I hear from him”, I said my eyes dotted with tears.

I had to go to school the next day. Lewis was a great friend (maybe more) I missed him already. I told osha, Sam, and molly all the adverts of the weekend. In math classroom 3b I sat next to Ginny she didn’t know what was wrong.

“I haven’t seen Lewis’s today have you”, she asked me.

“Oh you didn’t hear”, I said frowning the whole time.

Ginny’s face dropped.

“What happened?!”

“He umm went missing yesterday”, I said.

Ginny didn’t talk I knew if she did she might cry. She was dying inside just like me.
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