Too Haate or Too Love: Lotil's Story

Too Haate or Too Love: Lotil's Story

An innocent heart of pure gold Torn away from a past untold Holding back all emotions Will soon break one's devotions

published on August 13, 20176 reads 4 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 9.

Blasting Results

While the battle commenced, Lotil watched as the princess tried many different spells to free Marco from the cage but the first few times was unsuccessful. The hybrid though being partly cowardice knew she couldn't sit idly by while the others fought took a deep breathe in, stood up, and ran off to retrieve her staff, Toffee remained on the floor noticed Lotil run off than come back holding her staff the hybrid charged into battle against the princess and Buff Frog. The princess blasted a spell at Lotil who swiftly dodged whipped her spear end around attempting to hit the enemy but was kicked to the side by Buff Frog who had been helping the princess.

"Thanks Buff Frog, but I had it under control" the princess said looking at him.

"It does not matter go free Karate Boy I'll take care of this one Star" Buff Frog responded.

Star nodded before leaving him alone with Lotil who had regained her balance holding the weapon firmly in her claws glared at the frog monster.

"Ah Buff Frog, nice seeing you I guess, not really. Why are you helping the enemy?" Lotil growled at him in a fighting position.

Buff Frog remained in the same position as Lotil in case she attacked "Star, is not as bad as other Mewmans she has learned that we Monsters are all not bad. I am father now and with responsibility I must turn over new leaf and stop Toffee" he exclaimed.

Lotil let her eyes gaze over Buff Frog's shoulder he had a large fountain on his back which held several tadpoles.
"I understand the whole parenting thing but I will hardly understand you siding to those wretched Butterflys, they were the ones that have killed many innocent Monsters in the past, they were the cause of the Monster Massacre, they took our land from us, my mother was killed because of them, and I lost my freaking one of my wings because of them!" The hybrid shouted throwing hits at the frog Monster who dodges her hits avoiding the spear heads that could easily cut any skin.

Lotil managed to hit him once knocking him backwards but it wasn't enough to make him fall over. Buff Frog managed to regain is balance looking onwards at the hybrid who stood a couple feet away.

"You are a traitor to all Monster kind, I can understand why Toffee had you kicked out in the first place you could never be trusted and yet I thought we could be friends but seeing who's side you're on I just don't think that's possible" Lotil charged at Buff Frog her weapon aimed straight at him.

Quick thinking, Buff Frog prepared himself right as the lizard wolf came at him he grabbed the part of the hybrid's spear who's gripped didn't falter once he had grabbed it. Lotil was stunned suddenly and looked at the frog.

Buff Frog gave a glare to the hybrid "Sorry it had to be this way" he announced.

The hybrid was soon thrown into the air once the frog Monster spun around keeping hold of her weapon, she lost hold of the weapon and went flying backwards against a wall than after came the spear that impaled her through the chest. Lotil gasped feeling the pain of her own weapon trapped in her body, she was lucky her lizard genes could heal wounds like this but first things first was removing the weapon which was going to be pretty painful as it was really deep in her chest.
While trying to painfully pull out the staff, Star tried another spell to try feeling Marco but again does not succeed. This time feels she should end this catastrophe now, standing just a few feet away from the cage, all Monsters try charging at Star but the princess not having it creates a barrier between her and the Monsters walking over to Marco's prison.

"No" she says allowed, with a little focus Star unleashes her ultimate power aiming the wand directly towards the cage, both cheek marks glow brightly on her face along with the wand. Lotil finally removing the staff stood up against the wall for support letting the wound heal she watches how the princess's wand glows brightly her face turning to awe in a way, Toffee still on the floor lifts his head curious about the sudden stance Star stood in raising his eyebrows.
Star still concentrating let her eyes open and the wand released a large blast towards the unbreakable barrier shattered the crystal into pieces. Star was surprised that it actually worked smiled and ran up to her best friend.

"Marco! We did it!" She shouted running too him but as soon as they run each other she knocks the boy back into the cage "Whoops, sorry I was just excited" Star apologized.
"Come on come on --- let's get out of here!"

Marco making his way out of the cage, the glass regrows again trapping him once more.
"Oh no" Star became anxious but the feeling was taken when by surprise was grabbed by Spikeballs and soon Buff Frog who got knocked out by Lotil with her wound fully healed from before.

"Stop" the voice of Toffee echoed getting everyone in the room his attention the lizard stood up his arm regrowing "That's not treat our guest of honor" he flexed his regrown limb after it had regenerated.

Spikeballs released Star, Toffee soon pressed a button which made the crystal cage close down on Marco.

Star became frantic and tried stopping the cage from shrinking down on her friend "No, no, no, no, no! Stop, stop, stop, stop!" Moving away from the cage got back in her earlier stance to break the crystal again.

Toffee sits himself back in the chair "That's not going to work this time. That crystal is twice as strong now" Boo Fly came over to Toffee with the pile of pillows but got a glare from the lizard who flew away afterwards.

Marco was in attempts to hold up the roof of the cage from pressing on him "Don't worry Star! I've think I got it..." He tried sounding convincing but no matter what he did the ceiling continued to push down.

Star gazes over at Marco than her wand, leaps up on the table dropping the wand on the plate in front of Toffee "Fine. Take it. Now let Marco go."

Suddenly, Ludo leaps up on the table standing over the wand planning to grab it, but the chicken monster caught him in it's mouth before the bird had the chance.

Toffee looked at the chicken than back to Star "Do you think I'm like Ludo?" His eyes gaze at the chicken who had Ludo's feet hanging from it's mouth "Just swallow it."
The chicken with no problem at all did as told and swallowed Ludo whole, Lotil who had just came over to stand beside Toffee cringed a bit in disgust.

Toffee moved the plate towards Star "I don't want you're wand. Destroy it."

"Whaaaaaaaaaa??" Both Star and Marco said in unison.

The lizard expressed what was a really freaky smile in response to their shock "SURPRISE!" He announced loudly his face returned normal.
Lotil backed away a bit startled. Toffee let his eyes look at the hybrid a bit than back to the princess.

"I can't. I don't know how" Star exclaimed.

Toffee's expression didn't change "Yes you do, it was the first spell you're mother taught you."

Star's eyes widened in realization "The Whispering Spell."

Toffee leaned forward "Exactly" he responds "Marco's waiting."

Star looks over to Marco who's about to be crushed.
"Star....?" Marco looks back at her.

The princess kneel down on her knees, taking the wand in hand looks down at it "I'm sorry" she says to it before whispering the spell.
The words she spoke were quiet, Lotil peeking over from behind Toffee's chair watched anxious as the wand slowly began dying Toffee watched a cold look on his face.
Once the glow from the wand had deceased, Star placed the wand down gently on the plate, her eyes watering with tears seen the top part of the once magical caster a ghostly figure of a unicorn appears coming beside the princess's ear whispering "I was never your wand" only for her to hear ran away leaving Star with tears running down her face immediately wiped her eyes.

"Now let Marco go" she demands looking at Toffee who presses the button releasing the boy.

Lotil watches as the princess runs over to her friend and raises an eyebrow seeing Star shoving him and herself into the cage, than seeing Buff Frog fleeing from the area she looks at Toffee who has a satisfied grin on his face announced: "Gentlemen, Lotil, it's been a pleasure."

With those words the wand suddenly exploded with magic flying out of it startling everyone in the castle resulting in them all fleeing. Toffee stood there astonished not moving from where he stood. "Toffee!" The lizard turned his head to Lotil who looked at him terrified.
Toffee gave the hybrid a look of immediate disliking and concern "Lotil! You shouldn't be here, run!" he shouted at her.

Lotil became resentful "But Toffee-" she tried to say but the lizard interrupted her.

"No Lotil. I'm being serious, go I won't allow you to end up like me" his tone soon got softer "Please, I know what I'm doing, I'll be fine. Just flee this place at once."

Lotil ran to the lizard to hug him one last time feeling him hug her back she whispered "I hope you know what you're doing, Toffee" she soon pulled away and ran out of the room not looking back.

Making to the front door a large boom sounded behind her, Lotil almost flying in the air from the impact she managed to land in a near by ditch ducking her head protecting herself from debris that hit the hybrid. When all seemed to settle down, Lotil lifted up her head to glimpse at what remained of the castle pulled herself out of the ditch and scanned the area. Her expression was vague in how to express the what had just happened, but without another word the hybrid turned away grief falling on her shoulders walked into the woods in silence apprehensive about what is to come crawling next into a disaster of unimaginable destruction that could affect anything and anyone around her. But for now it's all just a puzzle waiting to be solved.
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