The ramblings of a mad man

The ramblings of a mad man

Welcome to my twisted mind people I hope you enjoy insanity for that's all you will find or will you find something more? Who knows! I don't that's for sure.

published on March 09, 201417 reads 8 readers 4 not completed
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Chapter 11.

The water

The murk hiding what lies underneath the happiness that I put on nobody can see the predator that lies in these waters don't wade in the waters I can only hold them back for so long I can already feel them desiring to wriggle out of my arms towards everyone I once protected once that happens I will no longer be here to speak strength listen to weakness for that I am sorry for that but remember, remember the 5th of November. Shouting I stand though against it as it tries to wash over me I will always stand with a gin that most have came from hell for I will live forever if I am remembered by those I protected I Will Never Back Down from my monsters in my head.

Remember me.
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Comments (4)


on July 17, 2014
Just ask and I will attempt to come up with more idea's.
on May 04, 2014
Thanks, I just wish it got more attention
on May 04, 2014
this is actual so good!
I love the descriptions you used!
on May 04, 2014