

Zero a warrior of Knightingale banished from his home he must slay the Dragon king Valunce in order to be given his home and here are his adventures along the way.

published on February 18, 201429 reads 10 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 5.
The truth

The truth

"You are a real fool kid." demons kin said to me while i sharpened him. "Why?" "Because you have the importance of a king while they are treating like a simple pawn." "How?" i said in a serious tone "When you combinded me with the demon i also got all of his knowledge as well as his power. I learned that the head master is possessed by a imp." demon's kin said in a almost amused tone .It was disturbing, thinking about the headmaster being possessed by such a weak demon
"It was a demon of greed kid he had no chance. His amulet of protection didn't even slow it down." "What does this have to do with me being powerful ,demon's kin?"
"You are blessed, child as well as cursed your power will change and grow depending on what you kill. If you kill a giant for example you will take its strength a, cockatrice allows you to petrify people temporarily." "How's that possible?" I asked "When you merged me with the demon you gave up a shard of your soul and I gave you a shard of my soul in exchange. Test it, flick your finger at that vase." demon's kin said "Alright...... OW CRAP!" when I flicked at the vase as the silver magic touched the vase it exploded and shrapnel stabbed me in the hand as demon's kin laughed "You knew that would happen didn't you." I said
"Why would I ever do that master I will always be loyal to you."  he said sarcastically
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Comments (1)

I like the plot of it! It's very interesting but with all of my other stories I don't I'd be able to take it over. But I would love to read more!
on March 08, 2014