

Zero a warrior of Knightingale banished from his home he must slay the Dragon king Valunce in order to be given his home and here are his adventures along the way.

published on February 18, 201429 reads 10 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 11.
The broken mind leads to the perfect warrior

The broken mind leads to the perfect warrior

(Zero Pov)

That smell that's the first thing I noticed when I woke up; the smell of either rot or death. Then I heard the noises screams pleading innocence or shouts screaming profanities throughout the dank corridor looks like I was put in a bale of hay smothered on the ground.  I took a look around my cell and looked in the corner to see a person hiding in the shadows. "Vey dark in that one corner of the cell huh" the person looked at me with disdain with yellow eyes and said "Smarta$$" "Besides that, how are all the shadows in the cell end up right their I mean logically.." " Be quiet before I slit your throat." He said nonchalantly. 'As if he could kill us' a sudden voice boomed in my mind that I recognized as a certain demon "What did you say punk!" "What I didn't say a thing." "Do you doubt my skill?" "No I don't I swear its just a misunderstanding." "For lying in addition to insulting me I am going to kill you." Suddenly I felt a power surge in my body and mind and felt the heat of flame around me and looked around to see if the prisoner survived not seeing him and his imposing stature I looked more thoroughly to find a small lump of ashes on the floor. And I had to hold the sudden urge to vomit as I looked at the remains of the man. 'Why are you so distressed you kill stuff all the time.' "This is different this is a person not some monster" Don't they have lives too? I mean logically some creatures would have to farm food for their army so therefore you are the monster in this tale.' "No! Get out of my head you cursed demon!" I proceeded to smashing everything around me in an futile attempt in killing the Hell spawn. 'You cant kill me we are one you idiotic fool now stop, before you destroy your body beyond repair idiot' "No! I refuse to stop until I get you out!" 'Open your eyes' As I did so warily of any tricks I looked around to see destruction and blood just everywhere and looked at my hands to see my hands growing out of nubs where my old hands were presumably. What happened here? "Brother...."

(cliffhanger if you don't understand the plot)
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Comments (1)

I like the plot of it! It's very interesting but with all of my other stories I don't I'd be able to take it over. But I would love to read more!
on March 08, 2014