1: The Girl in the red cape

1: The Girl in the red cape

This has nothing to do with Sonic or Pokémon even though I do love those things. LOL to Madeline Hatter when she says "Riddleish is not an exact language.

published on December 17, 201373 reads 23 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

Chapter 5: This can't be real.

I looked up and saw a whole bunch of animals now. The president stood right next to me. "What'd you do that for Alexis? I could've taken him down," Sonic said smiling at Alexis. "Sorry Emily, we had to do this," Alexis said. I saw a black and red hedgehog walk up to Sonic and Alexis. "What up Shadow?" Sonic asked the hedgehog. "Are you Emily Stone?" Asked the president. Before I could say Kerstin inturuppted,"Yes she is sir." "Can we please let her go she promised not to tell anyone about us," Hailey begged. "I'm sorry ladies but now her life is at stake because you opened up your big mouths." I saw Alexis growl. "There's got to be something we can do," Hailey said.

"Why am I here?" I asked turning to see a blue and white hawk. "We have to keep you here and when you leave you won't-" Alexis and Sonic covered his mouth. "You might not want to tell her the last part," Alexis said. Sonic whispered something to Alexis and she nodded. Shadow pushed past him and Sonic ended up on the floor. I was still handcuffed when Sonic got up and ended up tripping me by accident. Someone helped me up. I looked and saw it was Knuckles and Silver. I frowned as Topaz took me by the handcuffs. "Hey watch it," I said as Sonic and Shadow got in fighting stances. "Guys no fighting," Alexis and Lexi said stepping between them. I was then pushed into a very fancy room with a huge bed, T.V, and a huge window. "Don't think of this as a "friendly" stay," Knuckles said harshly freeing me from my handcuffs and closing the door. I tried to open it but failed. "How could you tell her about us," I heard Shadow say from the other side of the door.
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