

Here is a story I am writing in my notebook. It's not done, but I might add to it as I go along. Please read, people told me that this is a good quaili

published on November 14, 201378 reads 15 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 14.

14. Megan

Have you ever thought about what you would do once you got to heaven? Now, some people think it doesn’t exist, but I KNOW heaven is real. It’s my only daydream that keeps me away from reality. “Megan.” But you know what the coolest thing about it is? When you make mistakes, no one will judge you. And I mean NO ONE. I mean, seriously, here on Earth, everyone is always like, Megan, back to earth, Megan, you’re stupid, blah blah blah. I get so tired of it sometimes. “Megan.” School is the worst. You get judged SO MUCH! Everything matters, from what level math group you’re in to how cool your outfit is. I have to admit, I am pretty popular, but I still like being myself! And the popular girls (me) get judged the most! Sometimes I feel like shrieking, “DON’T JUDGE ME!” “Megan! Back to earth!” My head whips to the front of the room. “Can you tell me to the answer to the question I asked you?” asks my teacher. “Please would you repeat the question?” I breathe. “Thought so. Stay after class.” I can see Grace stifling a laugh.
MegaMajestic: Anyone there?

SilentSarah: Who is this?

MegaMajestic: Well… Who is this?

SilentSarah: I’ll tell you if you tell me… first.

MegaMajestic: Fine. I’m Megan.

SilentSarah: I’m Sarah. In your class.

MegaMajestic: Oh, right, I heard you were at the hospital?

SilentSarah: Yeah. Apparently I was in a coma.

MegaMajestic: OMG! Are u ok?

SilentSarah: Stop typing like that.

MegaMajestic: Like wat?

SilentSarah: Like in text talk. :/ Why say OMG when you can just say oh my gosh? Why say lol instead of telling them it’s funny?

MegaMajestic: Sorry, Sarah. You have a point.

SilentSarah: So you’ll stop doing it?

MegaMajestic: Yes?? Why?

SilentSarah: I dunno, it just really bugs me for some reason.

MegaMajestic: Well, I stopped.

SilentSarah: Good.

MegaMajestic: Aren’t you going to thank me?

SilentSarah: Right. Thanks.

MegaMajestic: You’re welcome! ;) Oh my gosh, today in class was so embarrassing!

VioletCrusher entered the chat room

VioletCrusher: *reads previous entries*

MegaMajestic: *waits*

SilentSarah: *wipes sweaty forehead*

VioletCrusher” Ooh, Sarah, TMI!

VioletCrusher: *pauses*

VioletCrusher: I mean, too much information.

MegaMajestic: Smooth, Violet, smooth.

SilentSarah: Look, I have to go.

MegaMajestic: Me too.

VioletCrusher: Bye. :/
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Yeah sure!
on December 01, 2013
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on November 22, 2013