

Here is a story I am writing in my notebook. It's not done, but I might add to it as I go along. Please read, people told me that this is a good quaili

published on November 14, 201378 reads 15 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 12.

12. Violet

I should really look into this “Hero” business. I mean, come on! Just for “saving someone’s life, blah blah, yadda yadda” I scored gratitude (which didn’t make me too excited. Yay. I’m a hero. Get over it.) and a new bike! Plus, now everyone loves me (except the reporters, because I managed to escape the scene before they arrived.). But what really gets me pumped is what I learned from that experience. Now I know how to steal things without being caught!
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Yeah sure!
on December 01, 2013
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on November 22, 2013