H A T E At First Sight

H A T E At First Sight

Sophie has always been good with technology, and especially- GAMES. But when she actually beats a game she wasn't supposed to beat, things take a turn to the worst then to the best. But is it possible that her new archenemy can actually make Sophie get over her fear and soften her heart...? I mean, nobody has actually fallen in love in first sight, right? (*Note: There IS no way to beat Sonic.EXE, so don't think what Sophie does can actually beat the game.) ((This is what happens when I have a wifi withdrawal.))

published on July 27, 201572 reads 21 readers 9 completed
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Chapter 4.

Sophie's Childhoood

"You stupid, idiotic girl!!" he yelled as he slapped across the 7-year old bunny's face.
The bunny sobbed in a corner of her room, her dad cornering her even more. Her cheeks has swelled so much, and bruises were found on her arms and legs.
"You seriously think you can get away from this?! Stealing MY candies? Buy them with your own money!" he said as he kicked her legs.
"B...b-but....I-I don't have any m-money-Yeek!!" she whimpered as she buried her face onto her bruised arms, her father gripping her hair, forcefully pulled her arms away from her face and coldly stared straight into her eyes.
"...Then do something useful for once in your pitiful life." He said with disgust, throwing her to the corner where she then buried her face into her arms, sobbing away.

This was how Sophie was living- her parents have been divorced ever since she was 2 and since both of them take turns taking care of her, this is the time when she spent her days with her dad.  After the divorce, her dad became more and more wrathful, and now, he puts his wrath on Sophie. And now, back into her memories.

"...Mngh...M...Mommy will c-come for me...I know she will...tomorrow..." She sniffled once her dad was completely gone. The last time she mentioned her mother infront of her dad, he slapped her really hard, hard enough for her cheek to swell for a whole week. Her friends tried to help her as much as they can, but to no avail...They were told by their parents that they should leave her alone. After all, it's not their business to interfere, yes?
Sophie used the desk beside her to help herself up. She then plopped down on her bed, the color of her sheets faded because of the many nights she has cried her heart out like this. She went to go tuck herself in, looking around her room one more time before she went to sleep. Her room was much different than from all the other girls' room. Her father always wanted a boy, and, since his child only turned out to be a girl, he attempted to go into the baby room and suffocate her only to be found by his mother-in-law. His mother-in-law then told his wife about the incident, but she refused to believe it. And two years later, the wife then found the footage of the incident when she was looking back at one of footages from the baby camera and she instantly filed the divorce. Her father claimed the right to take "care" of his child, which the mother had completely objected, but the deed has been done. Although, that doesn't mean that her mother couldn't take care of her, of course. After all, Sophie's her child too. And now, her mother was gonna pick her up from this hellhole tomorrow.

The next morning, she quickly got up from her bed, looking out at the window to see if her mother's car has arrived already. Sure enough, she did and rushed to the living room, but only found her father smoking, his eyes a faint tint of red.
"Oh? Waiting for your mother to come? She hasn't arrived yet."
"D....dad...you're lying...her car's outside our house...." Sophie felt a ping of pain on her chest, scared of her father. He was...different from the usual. She looked at his hands to see that they were coated with blood.
"Really? Oh! Right- But she isn't here anymore...~" He got up, slowly walking towards her.
"D....don't come any closer...." she said as she backed up until she bumped onto the counter, finding a bloody knife and....something up above...Wait, it's a someone...
Her eye twitched, her eyes filled with tears and covered her mouth, screaming. Her father then came from behind her, putting both hands on her throat.
"Oh, how much I wished this day would come~ I tried to kill you very much when you were just a baby, you know?~ And now with your wimpy as mother gone, it's time for you to too~"
Sophie tried to pull away from his grasp, her senses dimming by the minute. She looked at her mom's corpse, which was hanging above the counter with a few multiple stab wounds found on her chest. She sweared, she WILL get back at her father. The air was escaping from her lungs, feeling her whole body going limp as her father looked over her with a smile on his face. She then took a look at the knife- THAT'S IT! Using up all her might, she quickly grabbed the bloody knife and thrusted the knife right above her head. His hands released her throat, and she quickly scurried away from him, going under the counter and her dead mother. And then, she saw her father plop dead right infront of her, his tinted red eyes looking straight at her.
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Comments (9)

*reads the entire story and scroll down to the comment section*
"Yeah, it's a love story- *pulls out knife*"~ @Glitterlucky26, 2017
on October 17, 2017
*reads until halfway through the second chapter and scroll down to the comment section*
"If they fall in love, I swear-" ~ @Glitterlucky26, 2017
on October 17, 2017
:((:D COMBINED= happiss
on October 14, 2015
i got a new fealing sadness and happieness combined
on October 14, 2015
Great story! :)
Thank you!
Your welcome :).
on July 29, 2015
on July 29, 2015
on July 29, 2015
on July 27, 2015
on July 27, 2015