Back In The Saddle

Back In The Saddle

Don't Stop Running was just the start of Josh's mission now he has to fight his way through even stronger opponents with a new team along with an old friend. With this he has to take his skill to the next level and with new tech. With huge machines vs even bigger opponents can Josh and his team hold their ground.

published on March 01, 201547 reads 12 readers 6 not completed
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Chapter 4.

The looses begin

FT:sapphirethehedgehog as Sapphire
FT:JackieTheHedgehog as Jackie
Josh's POV
Tried, Outnumbered and not on top of my game. I was not fit to fight right now. Yet I was here defending Jackie with everything I had in me. Me and Sapph had to fight 3 demos at once while defending Jackie. Yeah the odds were against us. I had called for Harry to get himself here and we had to hold out. "Sapph we play this with defense over attack I'll hit them if they get close" I said as the Demos came running at us and Sapph opened up and blasted them with all she had. I ran ahead a bit to take one on. I uppercutted him in the face and it sent him up in the air. I held my sword and swung in at the one on my right. But as it got to him he just caught it like it was nothing. I took it from me and threw it away. Then it punched my mech across the face and sent me back. I countered by tackling it to the ground and punching it over and over again in the face. I picked him up and held his above my mech head and threw him away. I looked at the one I hit a second ago and it leaped for me. Suddenly another mech came out of nowhere and punched it in the face.
"You guys needed help so here I am" It was Harry god was I glad to see him.
"Just in time I just ran out of ammo" Sapph said to us. I turned and another punched me. I reacted and started to hit back. It was 3 on 3 now. It was and fight we had to win but it was getting worse and worse. They were almost adapting every time we hit them they became stronger. I hit the one I was fighting in the face and it just looked at me like I just flicked it on the nose or something. It punched me and I went flying up wards and landed on my back. Oh handy. I landed next to my sword. I stood up and grabbed it. I ran at the thing again. But as I got to it, it leaped over me. I turned. It was going for Jackie! "Jackie watch out!" I yelled down the radio and I ran after it. Jackie looked up and saw it and tried to react. It jumped on her mech. I ran over while it was trying to claw it way in. I smacked it off her with the side of my sword. I ripped the door off her cockpit. I put my mechs hand out flat. She slowly climbed on it and I pulled it back to my mechs chest and opened it. I looked at her "You OK?" she hand blood on her arm but got in and sat down in the chair behind me.
"I'll live" She said looking at her arm.
"Commander should I get a new weapon for you?" Sally asked me
"No I'm good I have an idea" I got back on the controls and readied my plasma cannon. The Demo I hit got back up and I started to shot it with my cannon. It slowed it down but it was still coming. It ran up to me and I impaled it with my sword and placed my cannon against it's chest. I fired over and over again, until I was sure it was dead. When I saw it's head drop and ripped my sword out of it. "Sir a little help here" It was Harry and he sounded like he was in trouble. I looked around and saw him fighting his Demo but was failing. I ran over firing my cannon at it. It looked at me and knocked Harry away from it. It was ignoring my blasts and ran at me. I hit it with my sword and stabbed it in the side of it's body. It grabbed it and pulled me to the ground. I grabbed it by the leg and stood up and swung it around by the leg. "Sapph heads up coming your way arrr" I said as I threw it over to her. She turned and kicked it back to me and got back into a fight with hers. I picked mine up by the head and punched it into a building. "Josh I need another hand!" Harry yelled at me again. I turned and looked at him to see his mech being held like a shield by a wrath. I raised my sword to throw it. But then I had a flash. I wasn't at the city or in my mech I was standing with a pistol in my hand with Robo armor on.
-The image-
I was standing there with my pistol aiming at a hostile who was holding a woman as a shield. I looked closer and saw that the woman was Jackie! I was back at the moment when I had made the choice to shoot him over her or whatever.
-Real life-
I was back and I was holding my sword but the image was still going through my head. I threw my sword. But I still saw the moment when I saved Jackie. The sword missed the wraths head and hit it in the chest. I missed. It dropped Harry and I got taken out by a Demo. I was still and didn't move. I was asking my self questions and what ifs? It wasn't until Jackie smacked me round the side of the head did I wake up. I kicked the Demo off me and stood up again. I looked around and saw Harry. The wrath was behind him. "Harry watch out!" I yelled but it was too late. The wrath stabbed his mech right in the back. It went through and hit him. There was no way he was alive now. His mech fell to the ground as the VTOL's flew over our heads. They quickly hooked us on before I did something crazy. Anger was flowing through me. Harry I'm sorry. I'll get them for this I swear it! Harry died that day trying to help us and Jackie. I could have done something. This image stopped me. Was Jackie desecrating me? What was it about what I have done in the past that was stopping me? I let him die because I was not combat ready. It was my fault he was dead. I intend to avenge you Harry I swear it!
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Comments (6)

Nawww Harry T.T Rip
on March 03, 2015
on March 03, 2015
glad chu like it <3
on March 03, 2015
on March 03, 2015
Whoooo! Pew pew pew! Guns! XD great so far!
XD I can see chu like it XD
on March 01, 2015
on March 01, 2015