My Poetry Book

My Poetry Book

Short Poetic Rhymes, every poem has a brief lesson- each probably easy to recognize, I hope you enjoy them.

published on November 04, 201314 reads 11 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 4.


Hand in hand with my mother that day,
Then I saw the masked men; all was dismay

Deadly pellets lurched right and left,
This couldn't be what they called; a theft?

I could smell the musky scent of blood,
As my mother fell with a dull thud

My body felt airborne and cold,
I was shot, fearful and un-bold

The Devils inside me screamed and burst,
Until they dissolved into the sea of red, lurching with thirst

Like in the wind; shelved pebbles,
My brethren fell, with the slightest trembles

Glazed eyes to the ceiling,
My life went, ebbing and peeling

A throb so painful my lungs could not breathe,
My screams were silent, excluded from relief

Save me from this torturous thunder,
Before I enter my eternal slumber.
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on March 31, 2016