Zodiac (warrior cats)

Zodiac (warrior cats)

Well the story's not mine but its a great story I wanted to share with you. There will be 8 cats 4 will die and the others shall live.

published on July 27, 201371 reads 18 readers 8 completed
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Chapter 4.

Chapter 2

Frozen ferns rustled in the cold midnight air. Blankets of snow covered the ThunderClan camp, and as the moonlight shone down, it created an array of silver sparkles glittering under the stars.
Bluekit poked her head out of the nurseries entrance, sniffing the cold air that made her shiver to the core. She glanced down at Coldpoppy who was nestled in close with her siblings Timberkit and Heatherkit.
Just be very quite, she told herself.
Sneaking one paw out of the nursery and into the piles of snow, Bluekit was extremely careful not to make a sound. The circular moon seemed to call the tiny blue-gray kit ever closer, she couldn't take her eyes of its brilliant gleam!
Bluekit had always felt a close connection to the sky, and most definitely the moon.
Padding up onto a small rock where she could see the thin crescent moon in the sky, Bluekit glanced down to her own crescent moon on her front paw.
It was curved in an outline of almost silver fur, almost directly beneath her light gray pad.
"StarClan" she breathed with a chill, as the stars of her warrior ancestors gleamed in the depths above.
Earlier in the day, when Bluekit had wandered away from her siblings, she heard Charredkit speaking with Jayfeather. She had quite a knack for listening in on particularly important conversations, and she most certainly didn't miss this one!
Zodiac, her eyes grew round with the silver light bouncing off her retinas, I'm a Zodiac!
Bluekit had also heard that each one of these Zodiac's had a particular power to match their symbol.
Charredkit had seemed not only very confused, but very determined as he exited the Medicine Cats den, and now after overhearing the conversation so was Bluekit.
Maybe I can go to the moon! Instantly Bluekit narrowed her eyes and jumped off the rock, her intentions on flying to the moon. But she landed with a light plop into the fluffy snow, tiny flakes getting thrown up into the air.
"So much for that idea" the gray she-cat sighed, brushing off her shiny pelt.
Glancing out onto the still ThunderClan camp, Bluekit noticed that Redlion and Mothspots stood guard. Instantly she ducked behind the rock, she was lucky nobody saw her!
And then realization hit Bluekit, Maybe I'm invisible!
But that idea quickly faded from the kits mind as a blue jay in the tree above her spotted her, flying off quickly to avoid any danger.
"I'm never going to find my power" a distraught Bluekit plopped herself down onto the cold snow, resting her tiny head on her blue paws.
She lay there for a short moment, wishing StarClan could tell her themselves what her power was, certainly they knew! Suddenly a faint whisper wreathed around the camp, and instantly Bluekit lifted her head.
Oh no, had Mothspots or Redlion found her?
But as she gazed forward, Bluekit saw that both warriors were still standing guard, and they hadn't even moved a mouse-length. The trees above her head seemed to sway as the whispers swirled around Bluekit, they sounded so ancient!
"Bluekit" the whispers were calling her name!
"Hello?" she whispered as well, looking around into the darkness, was someone trying to talk to her? But then the kit soon realized that they weren't coming from around her, they were coming from above her!
"StarClan!" she meowed quietly, still wary of the two guards at the front of the camp, was this StarClan trying to talk to her?
"You must train Bluekit" a voice tinged with age told her, "You must harness your power before next Leaf-Bare, your life depends on it."
Her silver eyes widened as the voice began to fade, and then all at once, the whispers ceased. Bluekit's mind began to race at what she had just heard, her life depended on harnessing her power?
But how can I? She asked not only StarClan but herself, How can I save my life when I don't even know what my power is?

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Comments (8)

I love it all tough I just started! It's written do well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D
on March 17, 2014
:) lol ok :p
on December 28, 2013
This is so long! I'm only on Chapter 4! (Chapter 6 according to qfeast). But it's good so I don't mind!!!! :)
on December 28, 2013
on December 10, 2013
Thanks minister!
on December 10, 2013
No my friend did! She took forever!
on August 23, 2013
unbeliavable! did you REALLY write that?!
on August 23, 2013
I've read it great story :) gotta put 5 stars
on July 27, 2013