The seven gods

The seven gods

The world is half destroyed. The only ones who can help humans are the 7 gods but each year the 7 gods get hungry so a man or a woman must sacrifice themselves. This year its Curtis turn but his friends don't want him to die so they step up and try killing one of the gods. They fail and as Curtis is about to die, an Alien named Sky comes and saves him. Curtis and his friends discover that he is the only hope to restore the world and get rid of the 7 gods.

published on July 02, 201324 reads 13 readers 1 completed
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Chapter 4.

Two gods down, five more to go!

„Be quiet now! One of the gods lives here. If we can surprise attack him    then we might just kill him!“ he whispered.“Wait before we go, we need a distraction! Curtis go!“ he told me. „Ok!“ I loaded my gun and ran to the god and shouted „Hey! Did you miss me?“. The god stood up and tried to shoot me but missed. Sky then jumped, aimed his gun at the god and shot! The bullet was fast and very strong. So strong that it injured the god. Blood dripped on the floor. „How dare you!“ the god angrily screamed. „How dare I? How dare you? Eating innocent humans! You should be ashamed!“ Sky shouted.
The god was furious. „Just who do you think you are?“ he shouted. „Someone who's stronger than you!“ And Sky shot one last bullet that hit the god straight in the heart. „No!“ he shouted. And with that he vanished into ashes. „Alright! One down, six to go!“ „Let's go!They just got informed about the death of the god.“ Sky said. „But how do we get into one of the continents?“ I asked. „Follow me!“ So we followed Sky to a spaceship. „Get in!“ We entered and sat down on the seats. „Three, two, one,go!“ The spaceship took off. A few minutes after, we landed in Africa. We stepped out and a heat wave hit us. „Man, it sure is hot here!“ Luke said. „Apparently, the sixth god hides here, in the desert.“ Sky said.
Steve walked a few meters then stopped. „We didn't even have to look for him.“ Steve said and pointed at the sixth god. This one was bigger and looked tougher. „Hey fattie, could you tell us where to find the sixth god?“ Sky asked. He turned red. „I am the sixth god!“ he said. „Oh really? You don't look like it!“ I said.
He took out a laser gun and tried to shoot me. Steve shot him but because of the god's fat, it bounced and hit one of the soldiers. We all laughed. „Be prepared to die!“ Luke shouted. We all ran to the spaceship when Luke threw ten grenades at them. We made it to the spaceship and took off just in time to see them explode. „Man, these Gods are so weak! I can't believe no humans dared stand up to them!“ I said. „Yes, they are stronger than humans but they're not stronger than me!“ Sky then smiled.
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Comments (1)

Wow! Awesome!
on September 06, 2013