Malfoys & Missions

Malfoys & Missions

Sequel to Thrown in Purposefully.It's when Jamie and Draco are grown up and have children.

published on April 06, 201365 reads 17 readers 5 not completed
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Chapter 8.

Ministry of Magic

"Jamie?Do you mind if we stop by the Ministry on our way to Diagon Alley."Draco asks coming up behind me."Why?"I ask trying to change Harry's diaper."Because I have some important business."Draco says casually."I don't see why not.I mean,if Harry and Ginny agree,then sure.I'm sure Harry will agree though."I say finishing up my task.Draco nods and walks back into the kitchen."Mum!"Rylan called."Yes Rylan?"I call back.He doesn't reply so I go to see."Mum!Rylan says I won't be put into Slytherin when I get to school."Scorpius cried."Rylan!Don't tease your brother like that!"I scowl."But you and dad said that i'd be placed in Gryffindor and look where I am now!Hufflepuff."Rylan said pretending to barph."There is nothing wrong with Hufflepuff!Uncle Cedric was Hufflepuff!"I explained.Rylan walked away muttering under his breath."Oh shoot!I forgot to sign Rylans Hogsmeade form."Draco called from the kitchen."What's your hurry?School doesn't start 'til Thursday."I ask him."Just don't want to forget."He answers.From his voice I can tell that he has a sly grin on his face."Mummy!" Meghan called as she ran in."Yes Meghan?"I asked."Uncle Harry is here!"She squealed."Alright..."I said.I hugged Meghan then rushed into the living room."DRACO!KIDS!LET'S GO!"I yelled.Draco came out carrying Harry and Tori.Rylan,Scorpius,Jessie,Emma and Meghan run out."Alright.We can apparate and floo.Me and Draco have to go to the Ministry of Magic first so we'll floo there...Dad can apparate Rylan & Scorpius.Ginny is Lily & Albus.Harry is James and Emma.Then Jessie can floo to Diagon Alley with Tori and Harry.Okay?"I command.Everyone nods but nervous glances are exchanged between Sirius and Draco.I climb into the fireplace."MINISTRY OF MAGIC!"I shout as I drop the powder.I feel a weird sensation and then i'm there.Draco appears a few minutes later."The reason I brought you here is,well...take a look."Draco says and he hands me a envelope with my picture paperclipped onto it.I carefully pull the papers out and glance up at Draco and he nods.I take a look and almost feel sick to my stomach.It's my birth certificate.But it does not say 'Name:Jamie Black
Father:Sirius Orion Black
Mother:Lily Evans
Godmother:Bellatrix Lestrange
Godfather:James Potter' like my father had told me it had said it said this:

Name:Jamie Riddle
Father:Tom Marvolo Riddle
Mother:Bellatrix Lestrange
Godmother:Narcissa Malfoy
Godfather:Regulus Black
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Comments (5)

cooool :)
on April 06, 2014
on August 28, 2013
on April 07, 2013
Me either I just didn't want all my kids to be in Gryffindor and Slytherin.LOL.
on April 07, 2013
aww cute but im not sure about hufflepuff!
on April 07, 2013