Malfoys & Missions

Malfoys & Missions

Sequel to Thrown in Purposefully.It's when Jamie and Draco are grown up and have children.

published on April 06, 201365 reads 17 readers 5 not completed
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Chapter 7.

The Malfoys & a surprise visit

I walked quickly down the steps.I just woke up and I am going to be darn busy.I walk into the kitchen where all 7 of my children are sitting and chatting waiting for me to get them breakfast.Draco,as usual,is sitting at the end of the table reading the Daily Prophet."Mum!Hurry!Hurry!I'm gonna miss the train!"Scorpius called."Uh,what did I tell you yesterday Scorp?"I ask finishing up the food and placing it on plates."We're not leaving until Uncle Harry & Aunt Ginny arrive."Scorpius recited grumpily.I smile,handing him his food."Good."I say.Jus then,I hear the fireplace."Somebodys arrived.It's not Harry because he said he'd be here at 10:00 and it's 8:00."I say."Well,i'll go check."Rylan offered."No,hun,eat your food.I'll check."I instruct him.He goes back to his argument with Jessie about Quidditch.I walk into the living room to check the fireplace.There,in the middle of the room,sits a jet black dog."Dad!"I laugh.The dog barks at me and changes shape until he is a person.To be exact,a full grown man."Hey Jamie!You know I think i'm getting too old to be transforming anymore."He tells me.It's true.He is getting older.But not too old yet.After all,I'M only 29 right now."So...Harry tells me you're ganging up on the Weasleys in children."Dad says rubbing his hands together.I laugh."Well,yes.We have seven kids."I say smiling."Wah?But last time I saw you,you only had 2!"He cried."I know.Where have you been all these years?"I ask gesturing for him to follow me into the kitchen."Oh.You know.Hiding.For reasons unknown to every man,child and woman on this planet,my own daughter is spreading rumors about how i'm a 'Mass Murderer with exceptionally horrible horrors that i'm willing to unleash'."Dad answers sitting next to Rylan."Hey,Black.."Draco says looking up absentmindedly from the Daily Prophet.He looked back down but 2 seconds later looked up."Black??"He asked confused.Dad rolled his eyes."So mind introducing me to your children?"Dad asks turning to me."Sure.That's Rylan he's 13.Scorpius,he's 11.Jessie and Emma,the twins,are 10.Meghan is 8.Tori is 3.And finally,Harry who is 1.He was born last year."I introduce."Mummy,I wanna go to Hogwarts this year!"Jessie whines."No.You can go next year.Now let's hurry up and get ready before Uncle Harry & Aunt Ginny arrive."I say picking up Harry."I'll do dishes!"Draco calls after me."Yay!"I yell back and then continue up the stairs.
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Comments (5)

cooool :)
on April 06, 2014
on August 28, 2013
on April 07, 2013
Me either I just didn't want all my kids to be in Gryffindor and Slytherin.LOL.
on April 07, 2013
aww cute but im not sure about hufflepuff!
on April 07, 2013