Bishop x reader lonely wolf

Bishop x reader lonely wolf

You meet a lonely guy named bishop he was cold to you he wants you to help him save his wolf and your adventure of love awaits

published on November 24, 201865 reads 10 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 8.

Dance lap

I wasn't talking to you filly warm I was talking to this young lady bishop it's ok so what do you want to ask me josh I look at him well will you go to the ball with me he says yes I will go with you josh I say am glad your lady I will buy you any dress you disres he says thanks for everything josh I say oh no worries my lady now go and choice your dress he says in the dress store ok o go to the dress store and see a girl say your the drag born he keeps talking about you josh he's fond of you you  can choice one dress for you to try one on ok I try the blue one on not my type I tty to the red one nope wrong coulor I try the purple dress it's my coulor I look beautiful I wonder if bishop will like it I turn to bishop how do you like it
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