Bishop x reader lonely wolf

Bishop x reader lonely wolf

You meet a lonely guy named bishop he was cold to you he wants you to help him save his wolf and your adventure of love awaits

published on November 24, 201865 reads 10 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 7.

Kiss second

I pull back in shock he kissed me your the frit's guy to kiss me I say to him same I haven't kissed a girl or had sex with one so don't worry he nips my ear you yelp what was that for I say oh nothing he laughs you little I say come on I think we should get going to a inn to rest don't you think he says yes we should I say let's go I say we both walk to the inn but before I went in I saw a boy say ecuese me but are you the dragon born he says yes well I am and who are you I say oh am sorry mildly I am josh pleased to meet you he kisses my hand your so fall of yourself bishop says thinking all because she's cute doesn't mean you can have her
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