Bishop x reader lonely wolf

Bishop x reader lonely wolf

You meet a lonely guy named bishop he was cold to you he wants you to help him save his wolf and your adventure of love awaits

published on November 24, 201865 reads 10 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 6.

Love at frist site

You woke to bishop starring at me ahh your up he says took you longer enough he says uhh he pisses me of uhh I grunt and get up and get dressed so why don't we go to.the best view in the world let's go there together he says us  go there fine you lead the way if course he gets up snd we walk out of the inn we walked three taking have you ever had a girlfriend before bishop asks .me no I haven't had one what about you no I haven't ether I guess we haven't found love yet I say anyway were here he says as you look in front of you the view is beautiful kook you  can see my home from here I laugh bishop turns .me around and kisses me
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