Bishop x reader lonely wolf

Bishop x reader lonely wolf

You meet a lonely guy named bishop he was cold to you he wants you to help him save his wolf and your adventure of love awaits

published on November 24, 201865 reads 10 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 9.

Ball part 2

It's beautiful he says I blush thanks for the compliment he says Yeh he says shouldn't you be going to the ball aren't you going I ask oh no to fancy for my liking je says we will see you later he says. He leaves I go to the ball in soulitde I go in and see the it was so fany people dancing it was like a cindea story josh said you look pretty he says as he was behind you shall we dance he says ok he grabs my hand and dances with me for a bit until bishop comes in and takes me unhahd her bishop I was dancing with her josh says nope he says uhh and keeps dancing with me why did you come here I say I can't stand any guy talking to or flirting with you I want you now to ropen your clothes of
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