Rose's Diary

Rose's Diary

The year is 1899. Rose's family is moving from France to America. This is her story.

published on December 04, 201539 reads 14 readers 1 completed
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Chapter 4.

Enrty #4

We had to go through tests to find out if we could come to America or not. Maman went first, I saw someone write an ‘h’ on the back of her coat. I don’t know what that meant but it doesn’t sound very good. I was next, a man who was dressed as a guard came and touched my face, and other parts of me, and it felt wrong, even if it went fastly. They didn’t write on me, and I haven’t found out what the letters mean yet, I hope I will soon.
Arma got examined, and then Aaron and Sheena, and we were done, and we were given a place to stay for a while, where I am now. Maman said we are waiting to see if we can go into America. Then she left us here and went to a doctor, at least that’s what they told us she was going. Me and Arma are going to read until she comes back, so au revoir!
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Comments (1)

Cool story :D
on October 24, 2017