If you could really sell your soul to the devil, what would you sell it for?

If you could really sell your soul to the devil, what would you sell it for?

Answers (6)

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Tbh I wouldn't... Just think about it, if you sell your soul, you can't really use anything you sold it for because your would now belongs to the devil
on October 06, 2016
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I know I made a joke saying I'd sell my soul to be a Hunter of Artemis, but in reality, I wouldn't wanna give my soul away. It's what makes me... Well, me.
on October 06, 2016
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Sell my soul? Ha! Please I don't believe in such thing as the devil so I wouldn't sell my soul whatsoever.
on November 15, 2016
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the power of souls so i can get mine back instantly and take any ones and bring back the dead and use the souls to make soul weapons deadly to the cut
on October 13, 2016
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I wouldn't cause there is no devil duh!
on October 09, 2016
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I do not want to sell my soul...but if I were to be bound to a god...be a representative of it...still being me...as long as it was a good god of my choice...that is what I would do...(since that would bound a soul, not sell it)..but I wouldn't sell my soul to anyone really...
on October 07, 2016
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