What do you think will happen when we die?

What do you think will happen when we die?

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I believe your soul gets separated from your body, which stops functioning and rots away, so your soul goes to heaven. You stand before Jesus, and he will either welcome you into his house, or say he doesn't know you and send you away. It has nothing to do with how good or bad you've been (God is not Santa. ) Because no one is good enough to get in on their own. So the only way is to let Jesus pay the price for you. Then if you get in heaven, you get a new body, a better one that See More▼
on August 04, 2014
I think your brain releases chrmicals because your brain can't dtand not existing? Therefore this creates "heaven" which is why people have seen heaven, because they tell their brains that there is a God and Jesus and clouds and light.
on October 23, 2016
When the human population dies out or when 1 single person dies? What do u mean?
on October 05, 2014
I believe in reincarnation in a way... I beilieve you DO go to heaven, but their is a place where you can forget your past life and become a new organism on earth or any other place in the universe that can support life.
I believe something similar. I think you regain all the memories of your past life once you go back to Heaven.
on October 23, 2016
on August 10, 2014
I am not a Buddhist but I really want reincarnation. I want to live again. I do believe in a modified Nirvana. I think that when a soul is made it's like a baby so it needs to learn. We live lives to learn and once we have gotten to a point where God thinks we are as good as can be, he invites us into Heaven/ Nirvana. If a soul is incurable though, God takes them out and puts them into Hell (I think Hell is truly death where you are actually trapped in eternal nothingness). This See More▼
on August 03, 2014