Have you ever bleed through your clothes at school? I have what is your story n how you handled it
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If ur talking about periods no and I hope I never will. If your not then....
on July 11, 2018
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If this counts I once stabbed my finger with the end of a guitar string around some of my classmates (but off school grounds), and used the corner of my shirt to soak up the blood (okAy that really doesn’t count.) someone offered me a bandage, but by that time my thumb wasn’t gushing blood anymore.
Lmao I suck at having stories that actually count as something
I’m pretty sure it was a steel string, and I grabbed the guitar by the head, in a motion quick enough that I managed to pretty much murder my thumb.
on July 09, 2018

It does count, but how did you cut your finger with a guitar string. i thought they were blunt.
on July 09, 2018
on July 09, 2018
on July 09, 2018