will i quit/stop making quizzes/polls/stories/questions/pages/posts forever

will i quit/stop making quizzes/polls/stories/questions/pages/posts forever

i seek people who are more superior to me for help/advice this is not about history/the arts this is me not expressing the fact that i need help/advice this is me expressing the fact that i need help/advice sorry i put the category as history i posted the post for fun please dont take the posts i make too seriously please dont take the posts i make too foolishly either dont enjoy my pictures that i put on here ill become a better poster one day i wont become a better poster ill become an even worse poster/maker than i am now as the years continue/keep going on no need to be reflective i need to be more reflective over the months lively anime pictures/photographs no lively manga pictures/photographs for my followers no such thing as a spectacular/perfect poster tried to find whatever downloaded poster i could there is such thing as a spectacular/perfect poster in my cats eyes these are my own original stories/questions/polls/quizzes/pages dont steal the posters that i have off my posts/quizzes/stories/pages/polls/questions i am not confident in my abilities with this site i am insecure about my abilities with this site enjoy the posts/pages/questions/quizzes/polls while it lasts my parents will kick me off here i tried my best to work with this site i tried my best to fit in with the people on this site sorry if the posts/quizzes/pages/polls/stories/questions that i make are so short i am sorry if the posts/quizzes/pages/polls/stories that i make are so long

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Answers (2)

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You just need to, idk, take a few breathes and relax. Simplify it a ton, don't focus it around yourself, make it so others can properly interact, make it engaging, polls are fun for people but only if the choices aren't vents.

Just try picking a topic like "what's your favorite colour"? No description, make a few options like "red" or "blue" or "green" add a picture then post
on December 28, 2021
this is not about my thought/opinions/feelings this is an apologetic/weepy post not a apologetic/weepy story
on December 28, 2021