Do you ever get on Qfeast and just hop around from thing to thing?

like, you are in the comments of a picture your news feed, then go to notifications and do stuff there. Then someone replies to your comment on the pic in the news feed, so you go and reply to that. Then you go to make something and about halfway through making it something pops up in your notifications. you want to look at it, but you don't want to lose you progress on the thing you are making. you try to finish the thing as quickly as possible so you can look at the thing in notifications. Or something like that.

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TshineVampire that....alllllll......the.......TIME.....just did that a few minutes ago actually,oh and on youtube...dont get me started....
on November 04, 2016
It depends if it's that important.
on August 16, 2016
Yup. ALL the time.
on August 16, 2016