I might get my period soon. What should I have prepared?

I've already been having... you know... discharge... and that's been happening for at least 5 months, maybe more. I'm currently 13, and my mom got hers when she was 13.
What should I have prepared? I've heard that chocolate and Nutella help.

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Firstly, you will need to get period pads, if you haven't already. You basically don't know how light or heavy your period will be until it happens, so you should probably get different types of pads, and then you will be prepared for however it will turn out. It would probably be best to get three types - one for light periods, one for heavy periods, and one that's just in the middle. Your mum can probably help you to choose which ones to get, if you're not sure.
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on November 04, 2016
@SacredScriptsGirl @McDermottsAngel Thank you! This helped a lot! And yeah, I don't like tea. Whenever I drink it, it makes my throat hurt. :) I'm paranoid that I'm going to get appendicitis or something and think it's just period cramps, and then my appendix will burst and I'll die XD But yeah, thanks again! This helped! :D
No problem! And yeah, same here. When I drink tea, it gives me a headache and makes my stomach hurt. So if I drank it, it would make things worse rather than help. And the appendicitis thing rarely happens, so you'll be fine. ☺
on November 04, 2016
on November 04, 2016
Chocolate and Nutella don't help. It's SUGAR that might help. You really only need it if you get lightheaded and some such. Just in case, walk around with a jacket handy so you could tie it around your waist if it stains your pants. Wear black pants just in case too, so it's less noticeable if you forget to check.
on November 04, 2016