What do YOU consider to be a Mary Sue/Gary Stu?

What do YOU consider to be a Mary Sue/Gary Stu?

I want to know what your definition of a Mary Sue is.Theres always a deeper meaning to something,even a Mary Sue(& Gary Stu).
(Lila particularly tried to be a Mary Sue in a way.Cant say I hate her though.)

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Answers (4)

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A character with a perfect life who the answers come to.
on June 28, 2017
To me, A Mary Sue means that the character is perfect in every way, is loved by all the other characters, a cliche back story and is basically invincible.
on February 24, 2017
A character meant to be perfect, and to surpass every other character. Usually, they claim every cannon character likes them, and usually have a romantic relationship with a canon character (however, that is not always there). They are also known to have extremely powerful attacks, and (usually) a tragic backstory.
Ex: Cutie the Kitten (however, this person has changed, and is no longer a Mary Sue)

See also, Anti-Sue/Stu: Opposite of a Gary/Mary, they claim their character is See More▼
on August 21, 2017
My definition of Mary Sue is a mixed emotion- special person.She could be a super hero.That's just what I think though. XD
on May 30, 2016