Make up harry potter characters

Make up harry potter characters

Feel free to make up any Harry Potter character they can have a special power, just be normal, or be evil. Do whatever you want.

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Answers (2)

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Is friends with the silver trio and Cedric. Is the year of the silver trio. Has a pet snowy owl named eclipse and at home two cats named Tara and midnight. Is a ravenclaw and favorite subjects are charms and defense against the dark arts. Wand is 11" ,unicorn hair, and holly. Medium-long dark brown hair with a bit of a wave and blue eyes with flecks of green. Has a special power to be able to fly with out a broom.
on January 23, 2018
Is friends with Ginny, neavile, and hermione. Is the year of the golden trio. Has a pet brown owl named Carmel and at home she has a pet cat named gingerbread. Is a griffendor and favorite subject is charms and herbology. Wand core phoenix feather. Long wavy blonde hair that is always in a pony tail. And bright blue eyes. boyfriend 3-5 Harry 7+ neavile
on January 23, 2018