Help me i dunno what is happening!

Help me i dunno what is happening!

Ok so i have a happy life. i go to school i have a few good friends and a nice family. but for some reason i just fell really just out of it. i can't get out of bed and i don't like to talk to people. its not like shyness i just hate people... Help me! you guys are so much more supportive than anyone i could talk to!

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Answers (5)

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There are multiple possibilities to this answer:

1.Welcome to medical depression! Unlike normal depression, this is caused by an off-balance of chemicals in your body. Talk to your doctor immediately.
2. Puberty/ teenagehood/ hormones
3. Something is subconsciously bothering you or you aren't as happy as you may think.

After you figure out which is most likely, feel free to ask questions on solutions.
on October 10, 2014
Research a lot of stuff. You know, the blow-your-mind stuff. Notice humans made it so they have the respect. Then your gonna say "I loves humans god bless you" then your depression is gone.
on June 13, 2017
I've been there. It's just a stage ppl go through, you'll get over it :)
on May 29, 2015
Hey, you can talk to me!! Umm, why didn't you tell me? I'm your BEST FRIEND!! :(
on October 11, 2014
Has anything unsettling happened in your life recently? Not prying, just trying to get the root of all this. Sometimes we have dark times where we don't feel good or quite like ourselves. Try thinking of anything at all that makes you happy, then throughout your day channel that feeling. We're here for you.
on October 10, 2014