xxredfeatherx's Questions
xxredfeatherx asked 41 questions

I just need help :( (Read description ) Okay so today i need to admit something...i am ...

2014 sucked. I just realized how much 2014 sucked for my life and the world. like we ha...

Spongebob movie 2? ( Read description) So a lot of people are hyped for the Spongebob S...

OMG thank you! ( Read description ) I just noticed today the followers count was over 1...

what should i say? ( Read description ) Ok so today i was at english and i got pared up...

What's homestuck? all i know is its about trolls XD
Best place to stream anime and cartoons? So i got bored tonight and decided to watch fu...

Favorite book? Mine is hyperbole and a half XD

Is this a sickness? or depression? Ok so recently i have been a miserable. I am also ha...
Am i the only person who doesn't want to cry? Ok so yesterday when i got into a fight i...

Do i have anger issues? Ok so i just got into a fight with my bff. i gotta admit i was ...
Should this be my OC? Pick the oc u want me to be! 1. Cynthia robot hedgehog o3o Age: ...

Sonic questions! Here are my questions.. 1. whats a good sonic game to get into the fra...

Goood oc and bad oc? ok so i want to know the diffrence from a bad oc and a good oc. cu...

Do you like crossovers? I do and tell meh ur fav crossover o3o

Is this a bug? Ok so i found a bug. whenever i am on qfeast the create button is blue l...

Is this creepy? So ok there is this boy in my school. i have never talked to him but i ...

I know what my problem is now :c So yeah this isn't a bad thing at all. i am a fictosex...

Help me i dunno what is happening! Ok so i have a happy life. i go to school i have a f...