Please tell me. Why are boys so mean to girls!?

Please tell me. Why are boys so mean to girls!?

Boys are alway making fun of me. And they say perverted things to me. Im not that kinda girl... Please tell me.

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Answers (2)

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because boys think women are useless but they are just important as boys.
evidence A: even in the Bible Eve was created by one of Adams' rib bones but all bones are important.
evidence B: without women, all spices would have no young because a c3Blcm0KCg== always needs a ZWdnCgo=. (use base64 UTF-8 to decode).
evidence C.: women seem to have weaker mussels, higher voices, and bigger mood swings which are sometimes not true
in conclusion women are important even if boys cant See More▼
on December 21, 2018
They might like you.
Some boys are sexists.
They envy you.
I guess so...
on August 05, 2015
on August 05, 2015