created a

Crowley or Aziraphale? which are you? >:D
on October 23, 2019

on February 23, 2019

frights_in_hollywood51 asked a question

Do you really have depression!?! I don't think so, nope you are just going along with t...
on February 23, 2019

created a

can you date me?(all genders acceptable)
on December 16, 2018

Do yOu lIkE JaZz?!?!
(dont do that its a joke)
(dont do that its a joke)
on December 16, 2018

on December 16, 2018

hi I'm back sorry 4 leaving u in the dark
on November 21, 2018

frights_in_hollywood51 asked a question

what is wrong with me? (2) I feel like a glitch
on August 31, 2018

on June 01, 2018

on May 21, 2018