What is the difference between tics and Tourette's?

So i have a friend with Tourette's and met one with tics before, so I'm curious since I haven't talked with them in a while. I've also been really curious especially considering it might possibly help with a job I'd want in the future and I want to help my friends out if possible. I'm sorry if it isn't an ok question to ask and if it offends anybody-

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Answers (3)

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tics are a series of involuntary movements or sounds that anyone can have. it isnt a diagnosed illness (i think) and tourettes is a disorder that typically causes tics
on March 08, 2021
(My friend has tics (And is at risk for Tourettes) so i decided to google the meaning)
Examples of tics include:
blinking, wrinkling the nose, or grimacing.
jerking or banging the head.
clicking the fingers.
touching other people or things.
coughing, grunting, or sniffing. See More▼
on December 20, 2021
tourette's can cause a person to do something involuntarily or w/ out realizing what they are doing (blurt out, act strange, ect.) while tics can just be a nervous reflex if put in certian situations (twitching, clearing throut a lot, excessive blinking, ect)
on March 08, 2021