What is wrong with me?

For a couple years now, I've felt strange whenever I hear certain colors. It started in 6th grade. I was writing a poem, so I looked on Thesaurus.com to see what words for 'blue' I could find. And I found 'cerulean' and 'azure.' Now, this is really hard to describe, but when I said them out loud, my cheeks grew a bit warm, I shuddered slightly, and I just felt... happy inside. Like, my heart began beating faster. I swallowed. It was like the descriptive color words nourished me, almost. So I looked up more - jade, pine, emerald, golden, indigo - and I started breathing heavily. It was really weird. Now, I wasn't feeling romantic or anything, but it just felt as if the colors were nourishing me. Like I could live off of those color words if I tried. It was so weird. Has anyone had any similar experiences?

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Answers (3)

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Maybe knowing harder words and challenging your vocabulary makes you feel smart or its a way of telling yourself, you wanna do art...
That's a good explanation! Thanks! :)
on April 29, 2015
on April 29, 2015
Don't worry! It may be weird but everyone is different!
on April 29, 2015
maybe asmr these words could trigger you.
on January 20, 2017