Someone help me. Please?

Someone help me. Please?

Okay well the reason I posted the do you think popularity is important is because... one of my guy friends likes my girl best friend and she's not that popular so he thinks they shouldn't think they should be together. Also theirs a rumor going around that my girl best friend is moving next year. She said it might be true and that she likes my guy friend. I want to help her but with my guy best friends {two of them} at war with each other it's kinda hard. What's your opinion?

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Answers (3)

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i would just stay out of it
on March 21, 2015
Long distance relationships don't always work out; it involves a lot of commitment. And a guy who would take popularity over a person he loves doesn't sound like someone willing to commit to a relationship.
on March 15, 2015
I think they should be together :) if they both like each other so why not? And when she moves they can still keep in touch right?
on March 07, 2014