anorexia nervosa - feel like giving up

im 19 and i feel like my whole life has been taken over by anorexia.
everytime i look back at something ive done, it always has part of anorexia in it :(
for example, when i was about 8 years old, i was in my lesson at school and i just felt so big compared to everyone else (looking back at photos i was one of the smallest).
in comprehensive school, i can remember taking my whole dinner break just to eat somethng little because i was so worried about it. but must of the time i didnt eat anything, so i can just remember having friends/ teachers trying to persuade me to eat, it never usually worked :(
and even at my past jobs! i can remember secretly doing sit ups and star jumps whilst working :( ... my last job was in an arcade and golf, so when i was in the golf hut... i used to do it then when there was just me in there.

i just feel like ive wasted most of my life to this, and i just cant seem to recover :( ive been trying to recover on my own for all this long, and it does work for a space of time... but as soon as i can notice the weight gain or when something stressful happens in my life i just relapse completely and i find it so difficult to gain control of my eating again.
its like an ongoing battle with myself and i just feel that if my whole life is going to be like this... its pointless with me being her.

what shall i do?
please dont say go to my GP because im currently a student nurse and i dont want this to be on my health records as it could jepodise my place on this course
please help

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Answers (10)

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> Apples help stimulate digestion by stimulating the secretion of stomach-pepsina capable digestive enzyme.
> Garlic has a special property to stimulate tone the digestive system and to increase appetite. The treatment consists of a mixture of 3-4 cloves of garlic boiled in a cup with water, which should be consumed twice a day for treatment to be effective.
on October 01, 2012
Here are some saving solutions for people who suffer from anorexia!
> Oranges are an extraordinary remedy for anorexia, because help stimulate secretion of digestive juices, improving digestion and increasing appetite. For treatment are recommended 1-2 oranges a day.
> Grapes acres is another effective remedy in treating anorexei. Grape juice should be added to the flour with which to make dough for homemade cakes. Oat cakes to be eaten constantly for 2-3 weeks. The remedy helps See More▼
on October 01, 2012
I have anorexia right now, I'm actually in hospital because of it. Don't tell them you have anorexia-Nevosa when you go for your job interview. And if any patients eat fatty foods, try not to comment (it would be hard, I always make negative comments when people around me have fatty foods).

Anorexia is easy to ignore, it won't get in the way of your work.
on March 17, 2016
don't think about it. Yes you do have a problem but it's not your fault. You just need to think over and over, "I am not fat. I am not fat. I am not fat. I am pretty. "
on September 01, 2013
You can do it! I recently went through a time where I was starving myself thinking I was too fat. I got help and learned to love myself for who I am and be healthy again. I know it can be hard to do that though, but keep on trying and you can do it like me! :)
on June 21, 2013
Whatever you do, never look back at what has happened, what happened happened , and there is nothing you can do, but you can change your llife, and don't go looking at models on magazinse, and girls who are just skinny, spend time with your family and friends, instead of starving yourself, be HEALTHY and eat RIGHT and do exersice, don't go one day eating nothing, and another stuffing yourself.

I hope that you get better with all my heart! :)
on April 26, 2013
I don't know but I feel for you I pick on painfully in school even I like sometimes, I hope you have got past some of your fear.
on October 02, 2012
> Ginger for anorexia treatment consists of administering a mixed format of 5 g ginger with a pinch of salt. The powder should be consumed once per day.
on October 01, 2012
> For treating anorexia prepares a mixture of lime juice and ginger. So, mix a teaspoon of lime juice with an equal amount of ginger juice, and finally add a pinch of salt. The mixture should be left in sunlight for 3 days, then manage a teaspoon of this mixture after every meal in order to invigorate the digestive system and to increase appetite.
on October 01, 2012
You can try this and maybe will help you in a way or another. If you want to be a normal person you must eat, and don't think that you are too fat caz you're not. Good luck and never give up!
on October 01, 2012