How many original stories do you have?And are any of them connected?

How many original stories do you have?And are any of them connected?

So,I have at least 5-6 unfinished stories.Two are connected to one universe,some other two are connected to this universe,and the last two are alone.Like I swear,I have so many OCs and story ideas and all this 'decent' crap but I never find time or enough motivation + time to work on it.Im just curious to see who else has this problem.(IK the photo is not related,but come on,that's a pretty informative photo. XD)

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I have a similar problem, I get this amazing idea, keep it for a month, then lose motivation.
A good thing is that I'm passionate about my Qfeast stories so I manage to update them regularly ^_^
on April 16, 2016