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How close are you and your friend(s)?
This quiz shows how close you and your friends are. It shows if your really close or if your actually really enemies.
88 responses 15
Which Suite Life On Deck Charactor are you?
Bailey, London, Zack, Cody, Marcus, Maya, Woody, Mr Mosbey, Mrs Tutwiler - but which one are you? Take this quiz to find out!
66 responses 12
Quel couleur compliment toi?
Quel couleur regardera la meilleure sur toi? Est-c'est vert, bleu, violet ou rose?
16 responses 8
how do you breath during a cleft palate operation?
in normal surgery they use a tube in the mouth but in cleft palate surgery they are operating on the mouth so the tube in the mouth would just obstruct so how do they keep you breathing.
1 / 0
how do you breath during a cleft palate operation?
in normal surgery they use a tube in the mouth but in cleft palate surgery they are operating on the mouth so the tube in the mouth would just obstruct so how do they keep you breathing.
1 / 0
how to stop a period
how can i stop my period as im due on my wedding day next month. i dont take the pill because ive been sterilised for 5 years. is there anything i can take to put it off
18 / 15
is any 1 direction member for you
you have to answer the questions about one direction to see what you know about them then you have to see what you got you would i there get harry niall liam lois and zayn!
60 responses 16
How can I convince my parents to let me go on a class trip to France?
I take a french class in school, and my teacher offers a trip to France when you are in eighth grade. I'm 12 (Young for my grade) and the trip is coming up soon. I asked my parents if I can go, and at first they said yes, but n...
8 / 1
R u meant 2 lead or follow?
R u meant 2 lead or follow? lets c! yayaaayayayaayayayaya! :):):):):):)
72 responses 19
What Assassin's creed II character are you?
h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h
35 responses 9
How well do you know the Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Egyptians are awesome lol. Just aswer this quiz and become either an Egpytian fantic or a non-brain box.
9 responses 3
H o w s m a r t a r e y o u w h e n i t c o m e s t o d i n o s o u r s ? ?
8 responses 2
Movie Quiz
you think you know movies? Well we will find out if you take this simple quiz.......
25 responses 7
are you a sassy grl
fun but can not tell future sorry tho!!!!!!!!!!!! you will be satisfied try it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
81 responses 13
What is Niall Horan's Fan Number?
Heyy! I'm trying to find Niall Horan's Fan Number, so I can leave him a message. I have been looking all over the internet for it, and no one has the correct one! It would really help if anyone could search it and help me out! ...
16 / 43
Royal bones
How much do you know about the history of the british monarchy? Test your wits here....
1 response 0
would i date u?
imma girl so plzzzz only boys take this!!!! EEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGOOOOOYYYYYY
113 responses 24
History of sports and games
Test your knowledge of the history of some of your fsvourite sports and games
1 response 0
How well do u kno my dog?
Do u kno all about her? r u a stalker? lets c when u take the quizzzzzzzz!
14 responses 4
How do u retake quizzes?
When i take a quiz, it shows me if i failed of my personality thingy. but then i wanna take it again but when i click on it again it shows my old result again.
8 / 11