Emma's Relatables

So this is basically where I post my crap about relatable things and hopefully try to get you to laugh of smile or something like that but maybe the thing that's funny is my sense of humor... Or love life. Either one is a joke. Haha thanks for laughing. K idk where I'm going with this so enjoy if anyone even clicks in this page. And don't judge me I know that pic is cringeworthy.

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on August 15, 2016
I I feel bummed I turn in my music to cheer me up but the radio turns on a sad so g and it makes me feel bad
on August 15, 2016
I always try to take all the groceries inside in one trip
on August 15, 2016
I always bring along a paper and a pen just incase my favorite famous person shows up to an event I'm at.
on August 15, 2016
First relatables, things I did as a little kid that I still do.
1.) once I turned off the lights I would run straight to my bed and cover myself with my covers to protect myself from nothing.
2.) I climb up the stairs on all 4's because I'm too lazy
3.) I feel like something is in my closet even though its not or under y bed and its going to attack me
4.) once I'm in bed I never get out even if I need to go to the bathroom really bad. Because I feel like when I step on the ground See More▼
2 and 3 are still true AF
or I do try to pour my syrup before the toaster comes up
on August 15, 2016
on August 15, 2016