orangeade's Quizzes
orangeade published 33 quizzes

Who's your txt bestie

W0u1d I dAtE yOu? (AKi version)

Take this colour testand I'll tell how your summer would be

make a simple ice cream , I'll guess your first name's initial!

make an outfit and I'll tell what's your true star sign

Bake a cake and I'll tell when you'll meet your soulmate

W0ULd I eVer Date you? (both boys or girls aka the bi version )

Cringe vs Funny

Can you pass this quiz just by guessing?

What genre is your life?

Which guy are you like from free?

Who are you from Scum's wish?

Guess the gender (anime version)

Guess the Anime

How much do you know about Hikari_chan?

Which dog should you adopt/buy?

The Alolan Region

Guess the anime character!
Guess the song Game. #1