orangeade's Polls
orangeade published 60 polls
Have you ever completed a course in Duolingo?
Which is better? (49)

Will Ash catch litten ?

Did you say goodbye to your bff?

Which pokemon wallpaper is looking Great?

Which Pokemon game will you buy first: Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon?

Fire types or water types? What do you choose?

Dragon types or fairy types? What do you prefer?

Which bronze color dress do you like the best?
Which of the following pink dessert is the most irresistible?

Which rainbow(multicolored) dress do you like the best?

Can a person have more than one account on qfeast?

Which Elsa do you like the best?

Do you like icarly?
where do you watch anime?

Nyan cat vs Pusheen!
Which pokemon shipping is your favorite?

Glaceon vs Sylveon: whom do you support?