orangeade's Questions
orangeade asked 90 questions
Auditions for qfeast neighborhood live action Pick a role and I'll add it to the story....

recommend some good k drama some really good ones with slight mystery and it can be any...
Not legal in my country but I want to run away I mean how? I want to earn money for mys...
Should I say sorry to her? Tw) o flashback to few hours back my mother called me names ...
my mum called me gay for liking a guy when I'm a gril why
Would you rather series with qfea sters. ? Comment if u wanna be in. I'll pick two for ...

BeSt FrIeNds aPpLIcation pLeAse I need friends. I loST aLL oF Mai FRiEnds aNd NeEd NeW ...
if your friend/partner has head lice what would you do? just asking cause my sister doe...
What kind of dance is good to learn.?(read descp) So here's a short note on me. I am no...
did your newfeed items get deleted on own? like for ex I had 3 in my newsfeed but the ...
Help please descp down Hey I want to create an acc but q says I've created too many acc...

You're opinion on @me,@SHIRAZURE @Hikari_chan Aaah As it's gonna be 3rd year staying he...

Do you believe in Butterfly effect? Just search it up if you don't know what it means b...

your opinion about K-pop I've never covered this topic so,... , here it is tell me you...