malicex's Polls
malicex published 51 polls

which mental illness slays most

should shank date me >:(

what tattoo should I get? (this is real)

what are these called?

possible rebrand?

what type of art should i sell?

if i was to make a paypal- would you donate? (reasons below)

Should the U.S Ban Guns?

which of these emoticons is the cringiest?

Would You Ever Date Someone Only Over Qfeast?

What is the Best Twenty One Pilots Album?

New Username on May 4th?

What Content Would You Like to See From Me?

Do You Think Transgender Students Should Be Able to Use the Bathroom of Their Gender?

should scott change his user to gaykink69

What Should My New Username Be? (1)

2016 Election

Is Barb the Best Person to Ever Live?

Which Halloween costume do you like the most out of the following?