on September 18, 2020

on June 20, 2013

on June 16, 2013

Eryn, I am always on Qfeast from like Eight or eight thirty to like, ten or ten thirty, so if u wanna talk just send me a message and I'll come to your profile page

I'm so sorry!!!! I will wait for you next time :D Also I'm happy that you got a bigger cage for the budgies!!
on June 16, 2013

on June 16, 2013
on June 16, 2013

Miss moon I can make it at nine thirty I hope u can too. If u r not on the page of what is nine forty five to u I will wat for about an hour, but if u still can't come try the next night at the same time. Also when we talk again do u want to exchange phone numbers? Then we can find out when each other is on Qfeast I'll talk ore when u come ok!

Ok but about the phone thing... I would usually not trust people that I met on the internet with my phone number but you are very trustworthy so far and I really want to but I don't know if my mom would approve. :D I will think about it because I really want to I just don't want to get in trouble
on June 16, 2013
on June 16, 2013

OMG missmoon! U r the best!!!!:):) ;);) <3I like pie!!!

Hold on, let's try talking on a page okay? Let's go to the anime lovers page, got it! Leve a comment one u get there I want to see if it'll wok
on June 15, 2013
on June 15, 2013

Miss moon I made u a member on the anime lovers page!!! U r also allowed to make other people members!!! Yaaaaay!!!!
on June 15, 2013

your online!!thank goodness lets chat

unfortaneluy i cant send conversations sry anyhow i gotta go beat my nany's butt on video games
on June 14, 2013
on June 14, 2013

U r awesome!!!
on June 14, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What Minecraft Mob are You? (4)
on June 14, 2013