
created a personality quiz
Are you actually as nice as you think you are?
Be truthful on this quiz, because you might be shocked by the answer. If you lie on this quiz you will never know what your answer is and it will haunt you for the rest of your life.
91 responses 19
on July 20, 2012
uploaded a photo
elisabethell1's Photo 1
on July 18, 2012
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Are you popular? (1)
I don't know are you popular? Is this quiz gonna be popular? Hmmmm... I hope u like this quiz
89 responses 25
on July 18, 2012
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Dog or Cat person???
Do you bark or meow? let's find out with this AWESOME (yes im talking to you haters) quiz! :)
55 responses 19
on July 18, 2012
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Would You Have Died on the Titanic?
If you were living in 1912 and were lucky enought to get a ticket on the Ship of Dreams, would you have survived its sinking or not?
176 responses 39
on July 18, 2012
created a personality quiz
How will you die?
To take this quiz you will need a mirror. This is a quiz which will determine if you die ugly, or beautiful.
244 responses 54
on July 18, 2012