dark_rose - Page 30

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added a personality quiz to the favorite list
Lesbian test for girls only
Want to find out if you go straight or Lesbian? Take this quiz to find out!
82 responses 12 profile quiz
on April 23, 2018
Look what I’ve got. Idk if this is true or not. I think I’m straight but I’ve never been in a relationship before so who knows
You like boys and girls! Your very lucky
on April 23, 2018
on April 23, 2018
added a photo to the starred list
dark_rose's Photo 2
on April 22, 2018
added a photo to the starred list
dark_rose's Photo 0
on April 22, 2018
uploaded a photo
For @Twinkle.dinkles
dark_rose's Photo 1
on April 22, 2018
uploaded a photo
For @hyperthehedgehog
dark_rose's Photo 2
on April 22, 2018
created a personality quiz
What shoe are you? (1)
What type of shoe are you find out By taking this quiz okay now take da quiz
14 responses 3
on April 22, 2018
asked a question
What size shoe do you wear?
4 / 3
on April 22, 2018
uploaded a photo
My brother made me draw him
dark_rose's Photo 0
on April 21, 2018
We survived the end of the world!
(Anyone who watches reaction time would understand)
Or goes on Twitter
yup. i watch shane dawson haha
on April 19, 2018
on April 19, 2018
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Louis Tomlinson
Louis Tomlinson
u and your friends are having a great time at the concert singing along to all of the songs! They leave for an intermission and u sit down. On the tv, was and ad for a contest. Someone at this concert would win a date with Harry. u entered because Harry was your favorite and u had been hoping for this forever. at the end of the concert they announced the winner. u won! the next day, Harry picked u up. u had lunch with all five of them and got hugs all around. when u hugged Louis he held on a little longer than he should have! u had a great time on your date with Harry and he asked for your address. u gave it to him before he walked u to the door. The next day, the door bell rang and u answered it. it was Louis Tomlinson! he asked if u wanted an extra date with him. u nodded and he took u in his arms and walked u to his car. u spent the day at an amusement park! when u got back home it was midnight and he walked u to your door. He kissed u and ran away. The next day when u were watching tv, your phone rang. when u saw who it was u answered immediately. He asked u if u wanted to do something. he picked u up and u went to their hotel. The other guys are awesome. u were on your phone on Facebook when u noticed that Louis's status said "With the best girl in the world." u asked him what he meant and he said "I thought we were together. u know like boyfriend and girlfriend? r u ok with that?" u nodded. U and him were inseparable after that and ended up together forever!!!!
on April 15, 2018
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
half, half
Your cool but also one of the people that likes math and stuff thats ok but, keep cool.
on April 15, 2018
asked a question
Do you have deviantart?
8 / 7
on April 15, 2018
asked a question
What language do you know or want to know?
on April 15, 2018
Thx for 100 followers!!!
on April 15, 2018
created a personality quiz
What do girls see in you?
What are your best traits what do they notice when they see you when they talk to you.
16 responses 2
on April 14, 2018
added a photo to the starred list
dark_rose's Photo 0
on April 13, 2018
created a poll
Stripes or polka dots?
Polka dots
14 votes 1
on April 13, 2018
uploaded a photo at Relatable things
Relatable things's Photo 2
on April 13, 2018